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GitHub Setup

In GitHub, go to the repository settings, make sure that the repository is public. If you are using Nuxt or Vue, and host the gh-pages from the Master/docs folder.

CNAME file

Any custom domain needs a CNAME file in the root directory. For Nuxt, put it in the static folder. When it is in the static folder, it will automatically be pushed to the root directory when the website is generated. The domain informaiton should be the only text inside the CNAME file as follows:




Domain Setup

Go to add sign in. In the DNS tab, go to the Custom Resource Records section.


In this example, the @ would be for, the www would be for, and foo would be for


Here a some specific helpful gitignore items that I should include in my little projects.


Clone Private Repo

Cloning a Private Repo is pretty easy if you are using the GitHub CLI tools. Make sure that you have downloaded GitHub CLI from the website. When you first try to run a command, it will ask you to log in to your account. Do that. Then, under the "Download Code" dropdown in the repository you want to select the "GitHub CLI" option.

The old way I did this was by doing some weird clone where you put your username and password in the command. Supposedly, this option is going away in August 2021. This option works better.


If you use GitHub Desktop, you can clone private repos in the app, so you don't need to do this.

GitHub Actions Deploy

Use the code snippets from peaceiris if you don't want to build your site on your personal machine. This is used in this documentation so I can edit files on GitHub and just commit them to deploy the new site.