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Zorin OS

When I ran into problems with the Wifi on my Ubuntu, I decided to try something new. I downloaded Zorin OS (core), and the installation went a lot more smooth, even using etcher. Zorin is Ubuntu based, but the company builds on top of it, so I feel like they made it with a better experience. It also looks a lot more aesthetically pleasing than Ubuntu did.

Issues and Fixes

Issue: I had a hard time installing git
Fix: I followed this article

Issue: My Wifi suddenly stopped working
Fix: This goes back to why I ditched Ubuntu. My Ubuntu's wifi stopped. This only kinda worked, as in when I was on a bootable drive testing out Zorin OS it still gave me the same problem. But I ran the code to re-install the Wifi card. sudo apt-get install --reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source.

Issue: Installing Node
Fix: Node is in the Software store, but there are issues with permisisons, especially working with the Firebase CLI Tools. So I uninstalled Node in the Software store, then followed instructions to download Node Version Manager. I ran the Curl command and verified the install like it said. Then you just run the command under the Usage section. When you use NVM, you don't need to use sudo.